Fat Baby

6 04 2010

Easter is over.  Joe and Maya and I had a great weekend.  After having expressed her feelings about not being allowed to spend Easter with my side of the family (and Joe’s family), her dad backed down and let her come with us.  So, Friday, she went to her dad’s and Joe and I picked her up Saturday morning and headed to HIS family’s Easter.  We had so much fun, met some new family members we hadn’t met before, hid and hunted Easter eggs, snacked and after a few hours, headed to my family’s Easter.  We had a lot of fun there too… many eggs were hunted, funny family videos were made, dinner was had, and fat babies were played with.  Yes, I said it… big fat 25 pound 8 month old babies.  THAT is one fat baby!  I think a common baby his age is 16-25 pounds but I have never seen an 8 month old baby so fat.  lol  He’s adorable but I really feel like he should be given better foods or something.  He is solid.  They put cereal in his bottles with the formula, which I’m pretty sure is why… and it’s not healthy for “normal” babies.  BUT he’s not my kid, so I kept my mouth shut on that one.

After Easter was over and everyone had gone, Joe and I and my grandma were it.  We were staying the night at her house both to avoid the long drive and to allow us to pick up Maya on the way home.  That night, we were supposed to meet up with a friend or two at a local bar and decided we were WAY too tired to go.  Also, I kind of stopped drinking.  I mean, I had most of a beer on Saturday, but I stopped going-out drinking and drinking as a hobby/past-time/for entertainment if that makes sense.  I will definitely have a glass of wine or a beer but for now, no more tequila-Pepsi weekends.  Next is smoking.  We’ll see.  I’m not going to be one of those preachy “I quit so I’m awesome and you’re disgusting” types, either.  I had my times where I’d be the first to admit that drinking and smoking cigarettes are things I love doing, but those times have passed for now.  
We went to eat.  Yep.  After saying we were too tired to leave the house to drink (especially since Joe and I weren’t going to drink), our hunger said we weren’t too tired to leave the house to EAT.  So, we went to Panchito’s which is a little taqueria next to the bar that I used to hit up often for some “real” Mexican food for dinner when I lived walking distance from the place.  We both opted for Barbacoa Burritos and when Joe took his first bite, I thought to myself “uh-oh, his fairy stomach is going to burst” but it didn’t.  Way to go, Joe!  haha Joe doesn’t usually do so well with spicy or Mexican or anything that will irritate his pansy of a stomach. (Sorry, Joe!) 
Sunday, we went to Buca di Beppo, had a truly awesome meal, and headed to go see a movie.  Once there, we decided to go with our original plan which was to go play mini-golf.  That turned out to be a good plan and we didn’t even feel the 6.9 earthquake!  Amazing.  Apparently Camelot Golfland is quake proof! haha Once done, we picked up Maya and headed home.  It is a long drive but it seemed pretty short.  I attribute this to the Honda.  In the past we have taken Joe’s truck which is slow, loud, and guzzles gas like something I won’t mention on this blog.  Well, his Honda Civic engine is finally done. All kinds of fancy shit needed to be done to get this car road-worthy that I won’t go into but, next stop, turbo… and we’re back into gas-guzzling status. We’ll probably be able to get to Orange County in 45 minutes if Joe can manage to put his foot into it and avoid cops and danger at the same time.  Alas, I might start drinking again to avoid the anxiety that is anyone else’s driving.  Yes, I have a fear of other drivers.  Not the ones beside me on the road while I’m driving.  Just the ones who I’m in the seat next to.  
Anyone want to trade a 1988 Honda CRX DX for something equivalent with more than 2 seats?  Let me know.  hehe
Ok enough about cars.  I bought some things at the grocery store that I normally never consider because nobody but me will eat them in this house.  One of those things is fish sticks.  Mmmm fish sticks!  I’m going to try to pass them off as chicken to my 9 year old.  Do you think she’s dumb enough?  I don’t but I REALLY think she is going to love them, she just doesn’t know it yet.  This is like the 5 years she has denied liking avocado yet whenever she’s feeling brave and I have avocados, she will eat like half of one.  WTF, right?  Yeah.  Another thing I bought?  Cherry Crush.  CHERRY CRUSH!  Yep! YUMMY!  I also found mini burger buns which I am going to make mini burgers for tomorrow night for dinner.  They are gonna be so cute and tasty.  
Oh… one more thing before I say I’m done.  I think I mi ght have converted to Red Box from Netflix today.  I’m just sayin’.  Do the math.  It’s cheaper.  I only rent like 3 movies a month.  That’s 3 bucks.  That’s actually only 3 bucks IF I don’t use a free rental code which I can get each and every Monday of the month and then some.  Yeah.  Free.  Ok… you go try it now.  Let me know what you think…
Have a great week!